Our Online Model Railway Club was designed solely for the use of individual Railway Modellers to have their own unique section. Add your online website or links to social media like YouTube, Facebook, Tik Toc Instagram etc.
A space for You to exhibit and show off
” Your Own Layout “and how You have created it, explaining to us all your methods and techniques to inspire other modellers.
To show and share with all our club members !
A place where we can all come together to share this wonderful hobby that is 100% about modelling Model Railways !
We also welcome Model Shops and Model Railway Clubs to take part and come join us too !
Please Tell Your favourite local Model Shop or Model Railway Club all about :-
My Model Railway Club.
Show Us Your Railway Layout !
As a Club member you have Your very own section to upload pictures and comments!
Locomotives & Rollingstock.
Display Your fleet of Locomotives and Your collection of Rollingstock.
Including rakes of goods wagons and carriages.
Modelling Buildings
How do You model Your layout and buildings ?
Readymade – Is the easy way, just take it out of the box and place it where you want it to be!
Card and plastic Kits – There are numerous amounts of great kits on the market. Card kit are ideal as the detail and finish are already printed on the outside so the finish item looks great. Whereas most plastic kits will need to be coloured and texture to look good, which many modellers do find harder to complete !
Scratch building – This method requires more modelling skills, to design what you require, then build it from scratch using the materials of choice. The end result is a structure that will be utterly unique and purposed to your layout !!
Show Us How You Do Your Railway Modelling !!
Come And Join Our Club Here !
Layout Electrics
This is an interesting subject in the model railway world ! You ether love it or hate !
In this modern digital age and using DCC control, most of the wiring is via modules and specialised plugs and cables.
A DC layout may have much more in the way of wiring, as each point, signal, relays need control wires which can soon mount up to handfuls of wires.
There are some very useful websites online for wiring ideas and modules, like MERG which stands for – Model Electronic Railway Group